In LOVING Memory
Vinita Pal 1953-2023
Choutha - Pandu Nagar Gurudwara 16th October 4-5 pm
No words can describe the cheer that our mother Mrs. Vinita Pal brought to those around her. Her lifetime is a story of inspiration and determination and joy and love and her loss today though a day of sadness for all those who loved her but is also an occassion to celebrate her story

Vinita's Wellness Blog
Get in Shape - Your Health Matters
Welcome to my blog where I am excited to share my story with you all and share my experiences and what I do to cherish each day as a blessing.
I am 67 year old certified Wellness coach and fitness trainer and have completed 2 Full Marathons and 15 half marathons. For me the journey of fitness and health started 10 years back. Since that time I have focused on staying in shape, building stamina for myself and then creating larger impact in the community by sharing my experiences and motivating others to learn from such experiences.
2019 was fulfilling year as I ticked a few things in my wish list but ended in heart breaking health diagnosis. I will share these experiences and my life story in the blog but want to let you all know that though I am facing such an uphill task and battling the diagnosis, I have never been more optimistic and motivated to make myself strong by right focus on diet and workout mix. I look forward to working with you and creating similar motivation and impact in your life too

Fitness Video for the Day
Best Day Today Happy Day Every Day
We become what we focus on. Do you realise that focusing on what we don't have often feeds into our feeling of lack?
And if that's our dominant state, that's the signal you send out in the world. And if that's the signal you send then that's what you attract.
Whatever, you desire from having a healthier, fitter body to more loving relationships to money and success we must start by recognizing, appreciating, and honoring what we already have.
It is simply like tuning yourself into the right channel to hear and see the right movie.
My way of tuning in to the right channel is to start the day by triggering the right thoughts.
And my favorite and dominant thought every Day is, "I vibrate with optimism, strength and energy."
This is what I attract in abundance.
It’s transformation Day Every Day
How can you benefit from my experiences
When you start to do things that you truly love, it won't matter whether it is Monday or Friday or Sunday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.

My Story
I will be sharing my story in 1 minute bytes and share with you how each of the hurdles motivated me even more to get to my goal

Stay in Shape
I will be sharing 1 min work out videos for you to benefit from and how this can have positive impact on your own goals. If you feel motivated with what you see I can work with you in this journey of "YOU ARE THE BEST"

What you Eat Matters
In this space I will be share 1 minute video bytes of how food creates an impact, what are your options to strike the right balance between taste and health and why a life style change is must to be successful in this journey

Mental Fitness
Working out and right diet might not be sufficient at times. Will power and what excites motivates you needs to be nourished as well. In this space I will share 1 minute videos of what inspires me and what keeps me going everyday!

About Me
I am 67 year old certified fitness trainer who had a change of course in life 10 years back. An accident shook me up and put me on path where my health, fitness and diet became passion and top priority. Since that time I have focused on staying in shape, building stamina for myself and then creating larger impact in the community by sharing my experiences and motivating others to learn from such experiences.
2019 was fulfilling year as I ticked a few things in my wish list but ended in heart breaking health diagnosis. I will share these experiences and my life story in the blog but want to let you all know that though I am facing such an uphill task and battling the diagnosis, I have never been more optimistic and motivated to make myself strong by right focus on diet and workout mix. I look forward to working with you and creating similar motivation and impact in your life too

"What we think, we become"